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Showing posts from March, 2021

Company offers $3,000 for 'Sleeping Beauty' to test out mattresses

Sleep Junkie , a mattress reviewing platform, is looking for a "Sleeping Beauty" who will get paid for snoozing. "Our Sleeping Beauty will become our official mattress tester, providing honest advice on some of the US's top rated mattresses," the website states. "The pandemic is obviously having a big impact on people's sleep quality," wrote Dorothy Chambers, the company's in-house sleep expert. Qualifications include writing well and being "exceptionally good at sleeping," the company say Job description: Sleeping Beauty will become official mattress tester, providing honest advice on some of the US’s top rated mattresses. they will send out three mattresses over a two-month period to Sleeping Beauty and it will be their job to thoroughly test and evaluate each one. Reporting on their sleep quality, mood and the comfort of the mattress in a review format. At the end of the two-month period, they will also be able to select their favo

Why God Doesn't Answer Some Prayers?

I have often wondered why even small plans I make do not succeed. God could have given me that job. He could have helped me if He really loved me. We often think on these lines, don't we? We have a lot of questions we want God to answer much like Job had when he went through crisis untold. He suffered greatly and when his patience ran out, he began to address the Lord of the universe asking for insight into His ways and for an understanding of why He had allowed the events that had plunged his life into darkness. Not knowing can be very disturbing. So I thought I would share the little I understand from the Bible about the heart of God which God wants to reveal to everyone who is penitent and humble to listen. We always stand before a righteous Saviour and God who had perfect wisdom and understanding. Job too confessed that his understanding was meagre and he had asked questions the answers of which were lofty for him to understand. Job concluded confessing that he was too weak to

Careers In Blogging for passion and $

Many freelance writers are beginning to find blogging is one of the newest career opportunities available to them. Blogging is essentially a series of postings on a particular subject which are listed in reverse chronological order. These blogs may be about a variety of different subjects and may be personal, political, informative, humorous or any other category desired by the blogger. However, the key to a successful blog is a blog which pertains to a subject which appeals to a wide audience. Additionally the blog should be updated regularly and should provide useful content to the readers of the blog. This article will provide some information on finding career opportunities in blogging, will discuss the benefits of this type of career and will provide information on how writers can manage a blog successfully. Finding Blogging Career Opportunities Although blogging career opportunities are becoming increasingly popular, many writers are not aware of how to find these wonderful oppor