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Company offers $3,000 for 'Sleeping Beauty' to test out mattresses

Sleep Junkie, a mattress reviewing platform, is looking for a "Sleeping Beauty" who will get paid for snoozing.

"Our Sleeping Beauty will become our official mattress tester, providing honest advice on some of the US's top rated mattresses," the website states.
"The pandemic is obviously having a big impact on people's sleep quality," wrote Dorothy Chambers, the company's in-house sleep expert.
Qualifications include writing well and being "exceptionally good at sleeping," the company say

Job description:

Sleeping Beauty will become official mattress tester, providing honest advice on some of the US’s top rated mattresses. they will send out three mattresses over a two-month period to Sleeping Beauty and it will be their job to thoroughly test and evaluate each one. Reporting on their sleep quality, mood and the comfort of the mattress in a review format. At the end of the two-month period, they will also be able to select their favorite mattress (worth up to $1,500) to keep on a permanent basis, oh and they will also pay them $3,000 for their time.

Source: Internet

#SleepingBeauty #Sleeping job 
